
Virginia Chapin-Sheff

A Celebration of Life

“I want to come back to remind people of the LOVE and the LIGHT…because people forget.”


Virginia Chapin-Sheff

A Celebration of Life

“I want to come back to remind people of the LOVE and the LIGHT…because people forget.”


Safety Info

The family requests that all participants traveling from out of town for the event test for COVID the day of travel and participants coming from locally test the morning of the event. 

Virginia Chapin-Sheff passed away peacefully at her home in Saunderstown, RI on June 29th with family, friends, and her three beloved dogs. She was 71 years old, an ordained reverend, professed monk, and had lived a full, love-filled, and wonderful life for which she was deeply grateful. She left behind immense beauty she had created, both outward beauty in her home and gardens and inward beauty in her impact on others.

As many know, Virginia died when she was nine years old of meningitis. She had an amazing experience on the other side of the veil in which she experienced light as we do not have on earth, and love as we do not have on earth. She said the light was the love, and the love was the light. After being pronounced dead three times, she returned with a lifelong mission to remind us of the light and the love because we forget.

Virginia's Memorial Service

The memorial service for Virginia will be held on Sunday, August 28th at 2 pm ET with a reception to follow.

Participating in Person
Because of the latest evolving information about COVID, the memorial service has been changed to an all outdoor event, and the location has been moved from the Chapel of St. John the Divine to the family home known as the Wallow at 204 Waterway, Saunderstown, RI. The reception will be held in the same location. All are welcome to attend in person.

Parking is limited and will be available at 80 Narragansett Road, Saunderstown, RI. This can be accessed by driving south on Willett Road and turning right onto Narragansett Road just before the road ends. There will be a field at the top of the hill for parking.

Please help us plan for food and seating by providing an RSVP if you plan to attend the service and reception in person. Please RSVP by Sunday, August 14th.  Link to RSVP

For anyone attending from out of town, there will be a gathering Saturday evening, August 27th for dinner at 6 pm and a brunch on Sunday morning, August 28th at 10 am. Again, to help us plan for food please provide a separate RSVP if you plan to participate in either or both of these gatherings. Link to RSVP

Participating Virtually
The memorial service will be streamed online and available for all to join virtually. The service will be accessed on the memorial page. We recommend signing in at least 15 minutes in advance to ensure you can connect. Link to service.

Please feel free to forward a link to this site with information about Virginia’s memorial service to anyone you think may be interested in attending either in person or virtually.

Thank you all for your love and support.

Virginia had a profound impact on many during her long life of service in ways they will remember forever, including bringing many to the love of the Blessed Mother to whom she was so deeply devoted. During and after her grace-filled dying process, miracles happened and are continuing to happen. If you are one who has experienced any of these miracles or otherwise want to share the impact Virginia has had on your life, we invite you to share here.

Thank you to all who hold Virginia in your hearts with love, prayers and blessings. She holds you in hers.

In lieu of flowers, please send a donation to the SPCA, The Potter League, or any other charity helping to relieve the suffering of animals, which was a life-long passion of Virginia's.