

Please Share Your Memories of Virginia

Please Share Your Memories of Virginia



  1. Hi Rick. I want to share with you that I went into prayer this afternoon, and Virginia was with me instantly. She filled my body with love. It was an incredible few minutes. I thanked her for opening her heart to me, and for all that she had done for so many, and I am sure continues to do. It was very powerful and very beautiful. She was spectacular inside and out, and today she showed me she is radiant still. I wished her Godspeed, and then felt her leave. My love to you in your grief.

    • Thank you, dear Amy. Yours is the first “sighting” of Virginia after she passed. It occurred just hours after she transitioned. I strongly suspect it will not be the last.

    • Virginia

      To us, when we think of you the word that comes to mind is legacy.

      In our minds legacy is the lives we touch, the inspiration we give, the plans and paths of others we alter- if even for a moment.

      You had a gift for helping people to think, cry, laugh, pause and see in a very special way.

      We also believe that more than anything, we are all remembered for our smiles. The ones we share with our closest and dearest, and the ones we bestow on our neighbors and even total strangers, who needed it RIGHT THEN, and God put you there to deliver.

      Virginia, you leave such a tremendous legacy. You have touched so many people and we are so blessed to have had an opportunity to be but two of them.

      Jennifer & Richard

      • Thank you, dear Jennifer and Richard, for seeing into the essence of who Virginia is and continues to be.

    • To Rick Sheff
      Ethereal Stone
      In memory of our friend Virginia Chapin-Sheff

      Our minds go numb in terrible times, and visions become all clouded
      Time’s inevitable toll has finally been paid, our brains in mourning shrouded.
      We review those names of loved ones lost; they crowd for attention once more.
      Their images and personalities rush by in a flood, so many we can’t keep score.
      But we believe we’ll meet again; our spirits are everlasting.
      Pain and anxiety are all gone: a miracle beyond mortal grasping.
      Memories of loved ones are etched in ethereal stone where there is no care or strife.
      So let love replace grief though our hearts be full; sad thoughts will yield to sifting.
      Let’s cherish the memories of those we have loved, And know our fogs will soon be lifting.

      Love and sympathy from John Rhein and Susan Dubowski

  2. -Sonia’s Dream of Virginia’s Transition

    It’s Wednesday morning June 29th in Abadiania, Brazil. My wife Sonia has been away to her home town in the state of Minas Gerais to help her family with a variety of things, not the least of which is the arrival of our new nephew Francisco. I have been holding the home front. Sonia is due to return this afternoon so, I am sprucing the place up a bit.

    When the dishes are done and the kitchen is clean, I turn on my phone to find a message from Rick : “Please call me for an update on Virginia” says the short text. It does not sound urgent but I am moved to call back immediately.

    I am greeted by a very serene yet emotional Rick who shares that Virginia has gone into hospice and that I was one of the people who they wanted to include in the process. “How can I help” I asked. “Prayers only” he replied. “Virginia has made her choice, and this is her time to go. She said she is ready to go home. We do not know how long it will be, but she is ready” With total respect for the clarity of her choice I made a mental note to put her name in the prayer basket at the Casa and forward it to various prayer groups I know. Rick and I begin talking about the many miracles Virginia had in her life, since I had known her, and long before. Rick was in the middle of sharing one such story when Virginia’s brother John called him from the bedroom with a simple message “She is gone”. I immediately started praying, but I had the feeling there was nothing to pray for. All the work was done. We quickly said our goodbyes so Rick could focus on both Virginia’s process and his own as her transition to the other side of the veil unfolded.

    Next, I called Sonia to share the news and ask her to say a prayer for Virginia.
    Prior to my call Sonia had suddenly interrupted her drive home and stopped by the side of the highway. She had been sitting in the woods for twenty to thirty minutes when I reached her. She told me she was not fully in her body and felt unsafe to drive in that condition so she had stopped to pray.

    It all made sense after she heard the news. “I had a dream with Virginia last night. I Thought of calling you or sending you a message but I did not want to wake you. I’ll get back on the road. I will tell you more when I get home “

    Later Sonia shared her dream. “I was walking along a stream when I reached a clearing. There was a gathering of native women and children. I felt welcome there. They were all very familiar, although I did not recognize anyone’s face. I heard the melody of ‘Stand By Me’ playing on a guitar. When I turned towards the source of the music I saw our friend Lisa Michaelis sitting on the edge of a chair playing a guitar surrounded by some of the children. ( Lisa was a musician friend of ours and also of Virginia and Rick. She had passed on six or seven years ago.) She smiled sweetly towards me and changed the tune to a song I did not recognize.

    Just then, as if following a script, all the women and children arranged themselves into two semi circles with a path in the middle. I was at one end of the path and on the other end, beyond the circle was a path to a bridge across the stream. That is when I saw Virginia coming across the bridge and walking towards me. Behind her was a native elder woman dressed in red. She must have been old in wisdom and in presence because her appearance was anything but old. A voice inside me said, “That is the great mother”. Virginia was wearing her ordained monk robes with threads of gold interwoven in the white cloth. Her youthful blonde hair fell on a gold threaded white stole that draped down from her shoulders. Little branches of lavender were embroidered on it and held together with golden threads. As she approached we shared a deep embrace and I asked her if she understood what this meant. “Yes I do. I am ready to go. I have had enough of the pain.” As Virginia started to walk out of the circle the elder woman came to me and gave me a red Camellia flower. I closed my eyes and felt a deep sense of gratitude. At the same time I realized that this rare flower was not for me. I walked towards Virginia and placed it in her hair. This time our embrace was also a joining of the minds and we spoke without words.

    – Do you really understand what this means?
    – Yes, I am ready to go, I have been preparing for this. The only thing I had requested was to get out of the pain. Now I can see it stayed back there, and she looked back towards the bridge.
    – But, – I said touching the flower in her hair – do you know what THIS means?
    – Yes it is a recognition,
    she said kissing my forehead
    – Yes, it is a recognition of us and more. It also…
    And she completed my sentence
    – …means my mission is complete!
    A bright smile lit up her face, she leaned over and kissed my cheek.

    Just then the elder woman came toward us, took Virginia’s hand, then took my hand, placed it on her own heart and bowed her head as if to say “thank you, it is done!”. She let go of my hand and walked hand in hand with Virginia towards the tall trees. As they reached the tree line, I woke up in a sitting position. It was 3:33 AM.” Virginia died six hours later.

    Earlier today (Sunday) we had a video call with Rick and shared this story with him. Rick was visibly touched. He shared some more stories about Virginia and then he took us on a video tour of the house. When Rick’s camera focused on the front yard, Sonia recognized the chairs where Lisa had been sitting playing the guitar. Rick also showed us the bridge, the stream and the place where many tall trees used to be. All of these were bigger and more ornate in the dream. Perhaps that was how Virginia saw the place and how she drew her inspiration for it.

    I also could not help but notice that on Wednesday my Course in Miracles lesson for the day was:

    “Heaven is the decision I must make.”

    And she certainly did….

    • Wow! Sonia, your dream happened about six hours before Virginia passed. One of her deepest desires, if not her very deepest, was to complete her mission to remind us of the love and the light because people forget. Your dream, experienced months since our last communication and without knowing Virginia had entered the dying process, is profound confirmation that she fulfilled her mission. That this message was delivered by the Great Mother and with one of the rarest of flowers are both fitting beyond words. Thank you for being the worthy bearer of such a momentous message to all of us. Blessings and love, Rick

  3. I was thinking of Virginia the other morning, early AM. She said she would send me two blue birds.
    Later that day, I saw one on my statue of St Francis on my altar. Then I saw another on a wooden picture of St. Francis.
    Virginia is communicating with us and for me, she is love.
    Rev Barbara

  4. This week has been a time of emotions and internal experiences, but I thought I would share the following:
    A day or two after Virginia’s passing, I was busying myself at home, assembling a large 5-pointed star that Santi had ordered to hang over the garage door.
    It had come in seperate pieces, and, as is often the case, their were problems putting it together due to manufacturer’s mistakes and omissions at the point of origin in Asia.
    I went across the back yard to my truck to work on resolving the problem, at the end of which I was covered in sweat and oil.
    Turning to go back to the house, I opened the garden gate, and as I raised my gaze from the ground
    I was frozen in place by a remarkable sight.
    Standing directly in front of me was a huge, 5 foot tall white crane, fixing my gaze with it’s other-worldly eyes.
    In the 8 years of occupancy here in No. Kingstown, RI, neither Santi nor I have ever seen a white crane in the garden… or anywhere else in the neighborhood other than the marsh several blocks away.
    We stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity, then the visitor turned toward the house, and in that mystically slow, alternating step, walked toward the building.
    Stunned, I backed out the gate, to circle around the neighbors house to tell Santi.
    As I got halfway there I heard a rustle, and turned to watch the white creature slowly fly past my face at eye level, gliding, wings outstretched, down Washington St. into the distance.
    There are certainly rational explanations as to the causes of this event, unprecedented as it was… but I had the distinct intuitive feeling that my spiritual sister had just dropped by to say hello.

  5. Virginia has been an important mentor in my spiritual life. I first connected with Virginia around 18 years ago through her wonderful astrological readings, which helped to guide me through many personal challenges. I then connected with her and Rick during our six visits to the Casa, during which, I was blessed to witness her ordination as a minister for CLM. During my visit in 2012, I decided to be baptized by Padre Paul. He said I needed to choose my God parents. I chose Virginia and Bobee. With her hand on my back during my baptism, I experienced the most beautiful energy, that was transformational. During CLM retreats, I was blessed to be given beautiful messages, by Virginia, from Mother Mary. She has always been a shining light for Jim and me. The most profound memory I have is when Virginia gave a presentation of her life, through beautiful songs and prayers, one evening at the Casa. Virginia, you were deeply loved and will be dearly missed.

    • Thank you, dear Joyce, for your beautiful sharing. You and Jim have been precious in both Virginia and my hearts. She would say this is because of who you each are. It was her way of focusing on the beauty in others, an appreciation for which you are both so deserving.

    • Dear Rick and family,
      What a lovely place Virginia fills in my heart and my life! I have ALWAYS liked her and loved her…her gentle way, beautiful presence and smile, her laugh and her spirit have been and remain a delight, since I was 8 years old and blessed by acceptance into the Chapin family.
      Now, for her sake, I am content with the knowledge that she is home, but like you, I will miss her until we also are home.
      A cool experience to share: when I learned from Scott of her passage, I immediately sat at my piano and played a new piece of music which is a sort of processional, quietly joyous, not boisterous but embued with the positivity of roses. I am orchestrating it now and will send it along soon. I can’t say that I wrote it, or even heard it….I just played it and sort of captured it. I have had a similar experience once in the past, when the matriarch of our family passed..a woman we cherish.
      Know that you and yours are in my prayers for that all good things. Shalom friends.

      • Thank you, dear Mark. Virginia, and I too, always appreciated your beautiful energy and simply your way of being. Virginia always lit up when she had a chance to spend time with you.

        That a beautiful piece of music simply flowed through you into manifestation is both a testament to your openness to being the channel and Virginia’s inspirational impact on you. What role she may have played from the other side of the veil in this music coming through you stands as one of the mysteries of Virginia’s passing.

        Blessings and love,


  6. Last night I saw Virginia during my meditation. She was standing under an arch of light-pink roses at the entrance of your house. She was wearing a nice flowered dress and was holding in her hands, as if it were a scepter, another one of the same roses. She looked radiant, smiling, and happy. Somehow I got the message that she is having fun where she is. The vision lasted for several minutes. Then she bent to admire the beautiful flowers that she planted in the garden. Today I realized that she bent over “to smell the roses”. I do not doubt that she is very happy in her new home.

  7. Pixie, my best friend at WHS. If it wasn’t for my August, 1969 stay at Saunderstown, I would have never met have met the love of my life and future husband. We certainly had some wild times back then. The memories continued on at our 50th high school reunion. Take care my dear friend

  8. A few days before we received the news of Virginia entering hospice, my mother and I both thought of Virginia and her profound relationship to our Holy Mother. In that moment, my mom and I both had a thankful convo re Virginia’s intro to Our Lady.

    During that time, I had been working with my Aunt who was very sick—asking her to let go of her pain with her own mother and connect with our Divine Mother for relief. Also at that time, I was listening to Ron’s recordings and getting insights that had great meaning for my aunt.

    I know Padre loves testimonials so on one day, I sent him an update of how I was receiving insights for my aunt through Ron’s recordings. On that same day, Rick announced that Virginia entered hospice. It just so happened that it was also Ron’s birthday! Both Padre and I agreed that all those coincidences in timing were best summed up with befuddled laughing crying sobbing emojis!

    Then I sent to Rick and Virginia, not a condolence or a sad message but one of thank you, feeling connected even as we are apart, and perhaps one day we will dance in the joy of service to God while in physical form again.

    Then soon after that, Virginia passed, and I have felt her presence from time to time. Virginia was/is like a spiritual mother to me. I asked her, “When did you pass?” And she said, “Ohh I left my body last week!” And we laughed together.

    The day I received this website from a good friend/spiritual mentor, I was in the middle of packing up a thank you, cheer basket for a local team of animal care professionals. Wish I could put a picture of the basket here. It had quirky stuffed animals, tons of chocolates of all flavors, inspo cards, and temporary tattoos of animals dressed in top hats.

    When I opened up this site, I was reminded how in-sync divine timing works – as I was embarking on spiritual service for the animal care staff, I was doing exactly what Virginia asked for in lieu of sending flowers, something for an animal charity. To me that seems like a mutually healing gift for myself, my clients, and in some way for Virginia too—because when I laugh about something quirky I found for the basket or I get a thank you from one of the staff, I hear Virginia’s joyous laughter! She’s laughing with me—and we are both watching the staff share chocolates and passing stuffed animals around for fun!

    It’s affirming to me that all the parts of life are unfolding as they need to and every step, no matter how challenging, can be quite miraculous AND joyous as well!

    Thank you, Virginia!
    I can see you in Spirit!

    • Judy, your heartfelt message is so welcome. You have always been “tuned in” to receive amazing information. May Virginia continue to work with you from the other side of the veil as you manifest your wonderful gifts so beautifully and lovingly. Rick

      • Virginia’s Beautiful Legacy

        Over the past 8+ years, I had the opportunity to work with Virginia. She allowed me to help her create one of the most beautiful, magical and mystical gardens….From the beginnings of creating her fairy garden spaces, to helping her create an other-worldly yet beautifully tranquil moss garden, including a stream and a stone fountain. These created places for the hummingbirds and butterflies to call their summer home, and oasis.

        Together we created walkways and pathways and even a bridge to expand accessibility and beauty to her property and extensive garden areas.

        Flowers abound and spring forth from the earliest of winter snow melt, all through the summer and fall, and continue until the first snowfall of winter as the cycle begins again.

        Virginia allowed me the freedom to be creative and imaginative, while also seeking to expand the love of life throughout…Throughout the garden and throughout life.

        Virginia shared with me, and I shared with her.

        As some of you may know, Virginia loved planting in a great assortment of beautiful pots and containers. A few weeks before Virginia passed we walked around her gardens together, as we had done many times before, but this time I showed her my favorite containers that she had. They, as it turned out, were her favorites as well. She had received them from her mother.

        And just this past week, when I was continuing our work in her gardens on her behalf, I came across one of those favorite containers but it wasn’t where she usually kept it. It was left outside a gate for me to find. And I did. It made me smile, brought a tear to my eye, and a lump in my throat. I took it back into the garden, and I placed it next to her other favorite pot.

        Maybe someday I may be allowed to take it to my home, but for now it IS Home.
        And so is Virginia.

        Virginia is no longer limited, but instead…is everywhere. I see her in the hearts of her family and loved ones, and her friends, and everyone she’s ever known.

        But, I still see Virginia in her garden where I knew her best. She Is There… Virginia Is… There…in the flowers and the trees and the birds and other creatures. She’s in the mystical and magical spaces that she created. She sits by that tree with the huge heart-shaped stone that led her to call this the Sacred Heart Grove. She sits on the bench in the front near her dogs, she wanders through the moss, and she is on the bridge.

        They say “We shall meet again,” but I know that she is still with us.

        (Virginia, please give Margaret a hug for me)

    • Virginia’s love and devotion to Mother Mary continues to inspire our family. Rest in God’s Peace.
      Love & Prayers. Al & Karen Fritz

  9. Dear Ones! Virginia is coming to me every day when I sit quietly thinking of her. She is pure light. Yesterday she had giant white wings and flew around swiftly to bless everyone on earth, this whole planet. She communicates quite easily, that she is blessing, helping, assisting me/us from the other side. Her blessing combined with the holy Mother’s is exquisite. She also said that she is quite busy continuing her service in a much bigger, freer and more intense fashion.

    She gave me a message for you Rick: “This is your big test and opportunity to surrender completely into God’s heart and to go beyond the idea of death, loss, limitation, separation and dependence on anything/anyone external.” (This does not to mean to suppress the grief and feelings of loss, but to allow them to be held and loved in God’s heart.)

    She said, even though she was a big inspiration for you, it is now time to go direct to God’s heart. A complete and uncompromising communion, trust and love affair with the Divine…..(I know it is a tall order, but that is what she wishes for you.) And she is still helping you along the way, but to empower you fully for that unfolding. And I believe that you carry her essence and spirit in your being to continue to share and bless those connected to you. Thank you.

    With love,
    Rev. Angelika

    • Dearest Angel Angelika,

      Thank you for sharing your beautiful experiences of Virginia coming to you, showing her glorious beauty, and reassuring us all that she has already taken up her mission on the other side of the veil.

      Her message to me is a message to all of us, a message to embrace this “opportunity to surrender completely into God’s heart and to go beyond the idea of death, loss, limitation, separation and dependence on anything/anyone external.”

      To this I say Amen and surrender all…


  10. I want to share with you something that happened on Friday July 1, two days after Padre told us that Virginia had passed. Craig and I were praying our nightly rosary. With my eyes closed, I saw a vision of Virginia. She appeared to be kneeling, her head bowed as if in prayer. She was colorful, deep blush pink similar to the colors in her pictures and gold, lots of gold light especially around her head. Her hair was shorter and golden. I felt her happiness. She was SO happy. A piercingly bright and unencumbered joy centered in her high heart, a joy almost impossible to describe. I felt she wanted me to know and share her happiness. I felt she was showing me what was to come. It was such a beautiful few minutes.

    I continue to pray for Virginia, and for you Rick. She was so kind to me, gently and lovingly nurturing my nascent relationship with the Holy Mother, and a huge part of the healing gift that Our Lady so graciously granted me recently. Knowing Virginia was a true blessing and I will remember her forever.

    • Thank you, dear Karen. Your vision of Virginia being so HAPPY and filled with such beautiful LIGHT and JOY fills me and others with gratitude and gratification during this rich, unfolding time of both grieving and celebration. Blessings and love to you and Craig, Rick

      • Rick, I just saw this for the first time. The colors at the bottom of this page are exactly what I saw in Virginia. The deep golden pink where her body would have been, the pinkish gold and and gold light surrounding her. So beautiful!

  11. Early this morning I had a visit from Virginia. She had her coat on and a rolling suitcase, little more than a briefcase on wheels. She was leaving, but stopped to say goodbye and thank me for being so considerate of her.
    A relationship with Mother Mary hasn’t been a part of my life, except when I was pruning Viginia’s roses. Virginia told me they were a tribute to the Mother, so I would always ask her to guide my hand before I started to tend them.
    You’re welcome, Viginia. It was my pleasure.

  12. On Thurday morning June 23rd, as my morning meditation transitioned into a healing circle…Virginia, who for years has been the first person I sent healing to every morning, came through floating above me. I thought for sure that she had crossed over because she was so happy, peaceful, and joy filled. She looked like an angel looking down on me. I felt such a beautiful sense of love, but then my emotions kicked in and I started to cry, and opened my eyes. It was only an hour or two later when Rick texted me telling me that Virginia was going into hospice.

    I kept feeling Virginia doing really well, and what I realized was that I was feeling her on the other side of the veil. I was feeling her going in and out of her body. In my mind I thought maybe she was physically getting better, but it was her soul that was getting better and better, not her body.

    I also keep having encounters with blue jays since she has passed. People say that souls like to visit us through our winged friends, and I really believe that Virginia has visited me through blue jays and one butterfly who just hung out with me for 30 minutes last week.

    She was a mentor, a mother figure to all of us, and a dear friend. I miss her very much.

    My heart goes out to you Rick and your family, for we are all working through this deeply sad yet Grace Filled transition. So much love to you my dear sweet friend!! We are all here for you and love you dearly.

    • Thank you, dear, sweet Wende. Sharing your experiences of Virginia during her dying process helps all of us. As you cried tears at the realization of her dying, she showed you she was happy, peaceful and joy filled. You express for us the paradoxes of this time of grieving, celebrating her life, and releasing Virginia to her mission on the other side of the veil while she yet remains present with us on this side, though perhaps intermittently. Your experiences remind us that we are all sharing a journey into the mysteries.

  13. I didn’t realize Virginia crossed over until 15 minutes ago. I got a nudge to type in her name and found my saddest moment had come true that I couldn’t hug her anymore… I loved her warm embrace and her beautiful smile looking back at me. When I was with her my field would open up into such a huge Orb of love. And the puppies would ground us both, one on the couch, one in the bed, and one on the floor. She was always my spiritual teacher for many lifetimes. She would show me pictures in her Jamestown office and ask me to point out the orbs. We had so much fun! Then I brought in my angel photography so she could pick out the one she loved the most. She said she wanted to bring it down to the casa.

    I wanted to share my dream from last night of her (not knowing she had crossed over). In my dream, she asked me to come visit her in this beautiful house with a lot of heavy wood trim, almost like a barn with tall ceilings. Each room had tables, all different material and shapes, some wood, glass, oval, round. I was so excited to see her. I wanted to know why we were meeting there. She said this is where she was living now. She just moved in and wanted me to know. A man was with her, but the dream kind of fluffed along. I will have to look up what tables mean in dreams.

    Virginia touched so many people with love and kindness, including our fury families! Much love and blessings to you all. I will miss her amazing pet stories and pictures on my phone… I love her and will miss her truly. I hope I encounter new dreams!

  14. From Virginia’s Hospice Caretaker During the Night Before She Died

    It took me sometime to contemplate writing this here for everyone to see. I live a very private life and don’t share often. In the society I was brought up in and accustomed to, anything out of the “norm” or “different” could cost you your reputation or livelihood. A few nights ago, I had a dream of a huge beautiful black wolf standing with a woman far behind him and her voice so clear and strong saying, “Trust your intuition.” It’s weighed on me for days to share.

    I had a rough start to life and battled a few serious medical conditions in my early twenties. Then in late 2017 I went into anaphylactic shock twice with no known cause. To this day we still have no idea what caused the reaction that prompted an endoscopy at 27 years young. Afterwards I met with a doctor who told me I had a spot that appeared to be early stage stomach cancer. I began the journey of testing and insurance approvals. I was scheduled for surgery, but my grandfather, for whom I lived next door to take care of him and my grandmother who previously had suffered a stroke, was in a serious car accident.

    At the time I worked for hospice. I had a client who was extremely religious. I was not familiar with religion, but this client miraculously spoke so much love and prayer into my life for a year. He lived with his wife and two dogs, and we became like family. They tell you in the medical field not to get close and to keep a professional boundary, but he touched my soul, and people like him are unforgettable. I cared for him during the days after the accident as my grandfather laid in his hospital bed on life support. I went to see my hospice client, my friend, one last time. He was lucid, telling me he was walking the journey to God, and he loved me and will see me soon. I went back to my grandfather the same day, and they both passed hours from each other.

    I canceled my surgery.

    I struggled with the idea of God, or a god. I had spent the last three years working in hospice. I was in year 10 of my medical licensing. I had seen, heard, and walked people through so many journeys, telling loved ones, “I am sorry for your loss.” “They have gone home.” “I am so sorry you’re hurting right now.” Now I stood devastated, not wanting to hear any of those words. I didn’t want to believe in any of that. I was so angry.

    With the help of my family, friends, and colleagues, I eventually rescheduled the surgery several months later in May 2018. During surgery I was under for quite some time. At one point my IV fell out, and I started waking up screaming. Things went dark, then really warm. I woke up and walked down the hallway myself. Halfway down the hall I heard a familiar voice. When I approached the doorway, it opened to a beautiful room with new paintings and my grandfather sitting in the chair. He looked to me and said, “Not now Kid, it’s not your time. I am here so you can be walking the walk, so keep going.” I expressed to him I was angry with him for leaving me, and I still needed to talk to him. My grandfather replied, “We will but not now. Keep walking.” I was flustered, but I did. The next time I awoke I was in a hospital bed with tubes in my mouth, and at the foot of the bed my grandfather sat in a chair and nodded. The next time I woke, nothing was in my mouth. My entire family was in my room waiting for me to wake up. When I woke, I was explaining my “dream” with this sense of calm I hadn’t had in quite some time. When I began to explain the room, the nurse stopped me and got the doctor. Came to find out that same room was the new grieving room they were building in a part of the hospital they had yet to open to the public. The doctor explained to me that these things can happen to patients, and I should seek therapy.

    I kept quiet about what happened and only told a few close friends. I had a long recovery ahead. I started to hear things I wasn’t quite sure were real. I reached out to my medical doctors who did a CT and MRI of my brain and told me it maybe vertigo and that it should go away. A friend gave me a number for a Medium. I laughed it off, but as time went by, I was ready for answers.

    When I first met Cynthia, the Medium, she described her near death experience. As she started to pray, I rolled my eyes. She encouraged me to record my reading so I could refer to it as time went on. I thought, “This isn’t going to go well.” As we sat and talked, she told me I would leave the job I longed for in hospice, that I would start a new career and help women and change their lives. I would first meet a woman who would help me with a job opportunity but wouldn’t stay in my life long. I would later meet a woman who would make me feel and realize what I did, am and going to experience is all real. It would feel like home instantly I would know. She told me things she wouldn’t have known; no one would have.

    I tucked everything away following my husband’s suggestion (who may have thought I was a bit nutty at this point and still does). I suppressed it all. On my grandfather’s birthday I received a call from a woman asking me to work for her husband in a private care setting. I knew I wouldn’t take the case; she was desperate on the phone to meet, and I agreed. The very next day I met her, and the rest is history. I left my day job, started my own business, and helped women in ways I never knew I would, just as the Medium had predicted.

    The morning that Rick called me, I had just ended with a hospice case who had passed. My mother called me and asked if I was going to review my wait list and call a potential new client, I said no. When she asked me why, I said that something always seems to fall on my desk that I cannot say no too. One hour later I spoke to Virginia for the first time.

    When I spoke to Virginia, Rick, and her son for the first time, there was a light heartedness amongst them all. The family made “death jokes” on the phone as they seemed remarkably comfortable with death and dying. They also said that Virginia’s dying was a divinely orchestrated process, and our role is to show up for it and say yes. I shared that death wasn’t commonly spoken of or accepted in the community, which saddened me. I shared that my later in life ideal plan would be to be a Death Doula. I told Virginia that much like birth, death is the same way. At the end of life, we celebrate the person’s life, and we only get one shot at it. Virginia said it would be wonderful to serve in this way. We had to meet one another, and we did.

    The next morning I went to meet Virginia. When first driving onto the property, there was a sense of power surrounding the entire house, the air dense and light all at the same time. A woman greeted me warmly at the door, never asking who I was. She showed me the home, and immediately I was drawn to the back door. The woman looked at me and said, “There is a garden back there, would you like to see it?” I agreed. When the door opened, I immediately knew we weren’t alone, not in the physical sense. To the right of the porch there is a plant. It’s beautiful and full of life. The entire garden holds a sense of serenity, much like Virginia’s entire presence as I was soon to find out. When I was led up the stairs I was greeted by Rick. I was having a rough start to the day. I spilt coffee on my blouse on my way to the home and noticed my blouse was also falling apart. I am always maintaining a sense of fashion as my friend would say, but none of that mattered right then.

    I was overwhelmed by all the feelings in the home. There was an entire community unseen there to support Virginia, much like she did here on the earth side. She had people calling and dropping off things during my visit. You could feel all of the love. When meeting Virginia she said to me, “I know your eyes…They’re beautiful.” I asked what she pictured her death to be like and how I could help in any way I could on her powerful, meaningful journey. We shared a heartfelt conversation. I agreed to take on Virginia’s case, and I would personally work it. She told me she was comforted that it was me coming back, and it felt like “home.” Instantly I felt like I had known her for 1000 years. Maybe I had and not in this life. I already loved her. How could I? How could I look at her step-daughter, Meredith, and her husband at the bedside and say I know you all when this is the first time we had ever met. I was so overwhelmed.

    On my way out of the door I was saying my goodbye to Rick, and he was asking a question. There was someone not earth side next to me trying to say something to me. I looked at Rick and said, “I am so sorry I am having such a hard time in this house; it is very overwhelming. I am usually very professional, but right now I am not in a state of mind to answer any more questions.” He softly told me he understood and hugged me. As I went to leave, he said I could check the garden across the way. There was a young child in the driveway talking to someone also not earth side who was making comments. The child was accompanied by someone I presume to be their father. He asked where I was going, and I was startled. I mentioned Rick said I could look at the garden. I panicked thinking he knew I was hearing the child’s conversation with the person not earth side, and I quickly got into my car and left.

    I drove in silence for a bit. I couldn’t believe I had met the woman predicted by the Medium, the woman I had waited more than four years to meet…The woman who had been where I had, the in-between of the other side. I just knew I had to go back and be with her.

    When I arrived home, I said I need to take this case no matter what, and everything fell into place. It was meant to be.

    The Final Journey on This Side, This Time
    When I arrived at the home that night to be with Virginia for what would be her final night on earth, Rick and Meredith explained she was fading quickly in her journey, and that she had not talked the remainder of the afternoon. I said hello. Virginia opened her eyes, made eye contact with mine, and told me she was happy I was here, and she is surrounded by angels in the room. Virginia was not wrong. Throughout the night Virginia continued to talk to people not earth side. She greeted her mother and said “Hi mom” with the most warmth and calmness I have ever witnessed. I asked Virginia several times if she was in pain and needed medication, and she declined each time. At one point when I asked her, she said “You’re home Mandy.” The last thing she said out loud was “I love you, Rick.” There was a sense of peace in the home that night, and I knew the time was near and let the family know as well, Virginia knew her journey was coming to end. She told me she had served her mission in this life.

    It was a gift to witness and be a part of that which I could never give back. Virginia was a beautiful soul that I needed to meet. I met her, and she taught me I am truly never alone. There is an entire community out there in the world that is real, trustworthy and understands, people who have found Jesus and share the Word because miracles do happen. Virginia was the miracle. I am truly blessed to have known her, and to still have her be a part of my journey. I will always share Virginia’s journey of the other side and her spiritual love that never waivered all the way till her Journey on this side closed.

    • Thank you, dearest Mandy, for sharing your AMAZING series of experiences compressed into the 48 hours before Virginia passed. It now seems clear that Virginia stayed alive to have one night with you, to fulfill that which was foretold to you more than four years earlier, and to give you gifts that will serve you throughout this lifetime and beyond. This was the last service (that we know of) she provided on this side of the veil before transitioning. She could not complete her mission without giving these gifts to you. Your experience so exquisitely dovetails with Sonia’s dream (shared above) letting us all know that Virginia did, indeed, complete her mission for which she had returned to remind us of the LOVE and the LIGHT because we forget. Thank you, Mandy. And thank you, beloved Virginia.

  15. Diana here~~I am so grateful for Virginia’s sweet friendship in my life. She was like a sister to me. I learned a lot from her during those many 2-week Casa visits we shared and in our times together at Celebrating Life Ministries events. She was an amazing inspiration. Her devotion to Mother Mary was so beautiful.

    I appreciate all the fun ways she has shown up for Bob and me since she passed. On the same day she left for Heaven, I had an inspiration to upgrade a filing system here in our office. I chose 12 folders for the project. These were chosen from a collection of about 60 folders we used for organizing our tours to the Casa. Each 2-pocket folder had puppies or angels on the front and each had been used numerous times to hold the tour applications and insurance forms, etc. for each tour participant. When I opened the first folder of the 12 I had sellected, I tried to place papers in the left pocket, but there was something in the way. When I reached in to see what it was, I was blown away~~it was a half envelope and the return address on it was Virginia’s. That folder had been used at one time or another for Virginia’s tour documents on one of her past tours with us and that envelope had stayed tucked away there, just to be found in that special moment.

    When we learned from Rick that Virginia was in the hospital and going to come home and begin hospice care, Bob and I wanted to send something special to Virginia. A few days earlier, Bob had bought me a stuffed animal of the Jelly Cat brand and it was named “Sheri Sheep”. I loved it so much and at that time there were 2 in the store and Bob bought both of them, knowing there would be the perfect friend to receive the other one. So we decided to send the other one to Virginia. Before her sheep was packed up, Bob and I both hugged it to our hearts and we held it to the sheep I was keeping for me. We loaded it up with our love and our highest vibes. We were happy to hear from Rick that our gift arrived in time for Virginia to hold it to her and receive our hug and our love. Every day I hold my sheep to my heart and feel a connection to Virginia. My sheep is now named “Sheri Virginia”.

    Bob here~~ I AM so blessed to be a dear friend and brother to both Virginia and Rick. Virginia’s presence was, and still is, so familiar to me. I am certain that we have played together in many lifetimes and on many different realms. Virginia’s love of the Divine Mother through her devotion to Mother Mary was expressed through the Light that radiated from her heart. Her integrity, sincerity and respect for various beliefs and spiritual paths earned her a title of Lady Master, Goddess and Angel Virginia in my book of saints.

    Virginia loved room number 25 at the pousada (motel) in Brazil where we stayed while visiting the Casa. It was a gift to sit on the edge of her bed and chat about Casa protocols, daily events, or preparations for Padre Paul’s services. My heart is filled with appreciation for the many times we visited the Casa together from 2005 until 2018. And I will cherish the many times we spent together at the Omega Institute in New York serving the multitudes that came to receive healing from John of God and the mediums such as Virginia. I will also cherish the many times that Diana and I shared a meal with Virginia and Rick during the breaks at various Celebrating Life Ministry’s events. I will cherish the multitude of statues, rosaries, spiritual photos that we exchanged during this lifetime on this beautiful and exquisite planet.

    I know that Virginia is in an awesome realm full of Love and Beauty. Virginia created a paradise in her yard as an expression and example of the beauty we can all create. Virginia showed us through her garden creation that we can all create a little bit of Heaven on Earth as shown on the video on this website.

    Thank you, Virginia for being the example of Divinity in human form. You are the BEST and we LOVE you DEARLY. You are in our hearts eternally.

  16. Virginia is, was and will always be a ray of beautiful light.
    In my experience, Virginia exuded positivity, understanding, love and light in every way.
    I am forever fortunate to have shared some of my time here with Virginia and Rick, and although hearing of Virginia’s passing brings sorrow, my memories of her have always and will forever continue to bring joy to my heart and a smile to my soul.
    One Love

  17. Virginia changed my life! In the mid-eighties I began some classes with her and found the ground work she laid in the realms of spirituality and healing were the guide for big changes in my personal and professional life. I am ever grateful that she opened the door to new perspectives and thought leaders that shaped my world and set my feet on a path that has led to an ever expanding heart centered journey!

    Virginia’s faith and connection to what is essential and love based supported the present earth connective work that I am doing. One of my favorite stories is her support of classes I run on “Sacred Earth and Sacred Art” that I give in many different venues. She helped organize and attended one of the classes at St John the Divine Church. And while participating the day of the class, she guided the whole group to her home and sacred gardens so everyone could experience the energy in her amazing co-creative sacred home space. Needless to say, her sensitivity, kindness and generosity allowed for extraordinary self expressive experiences for everyone that day. I will miss her smile, her unshakeable devotion and her soft strength that held a door open to whole new worlds for myself and I know for many others.

  18. Virginia was my aunt, my godmother, the officiant of my wedding, and my favorite human being on the planet. She had a special one of a kind energy that could only be called indescribable pure light – contagious healing, and feeling of warmth that she spread to everyone she ever met.

    I should be so irreparably devastated by her passing, but whenever the darkness comes, her light shines brighter and I can feel her love. When I picture her, she’s smiling. She was always happy, she was always positive, she was always loving. I know she’s with Nanny and Jumbo, and I feel like I’m with her too whenever I’m in the garden, at the Wallow, and in Narragansett Bay.

    Too many memories to list… countless times being spoiled, her getting me my first cat, officiating my wedding, swims at the Wallow, butterscotch chocolate chips, Sunday River, puzzles, getting excited about plants, Green Monster seats, her “surprise” wedding to Rick, seeing how much she spoiled Gandolph, Dolphin, Gita and Comfort, hearing about horses she took care of just for fun, and playing Hearts – where she would slip me the Jack of Diamonds when you’re supposed to pass your bad cards…

  19. Yesterday morning (8/22/22), I had a brief, beautiful encounter with Virginia. I saw her sitting on a wooden swing, surrounded by greenery. She was dressed in white, glowing, and smiling at me. She got up and motioned for me to sit on the swing.
    As I sat down, I was enveloped in light, I could feel her beautiful energy and Love.

    • How beautiful, Joyce! What a wonderful “visit.” Your sharing gives us all a chance to touch Virginia’s beautiful energy and love.

  20. My most outstanding memory of Virginia was when she made her presentation of Mary, along with that beautiful and very large image of Mary in the background. I can still visualize it clearly.
    Up until that day, I had very little experience with Mary, although I had a very strong personal relationship with Jesus for a long time. I was deeply moved and impressed by Virginia and that whole experience.
    Later that day, when Kerry Chinn was doing a healing on me, he said that he strongly felt Mother
    Mary’s energy infusing into me. It was so powerful! Thank you, Dear Virginia. I Love you.

  21. Virginia was like a Spirit mom to me. She had amazing wise way of looking at things that helped me to grow. She took me as I am. We shared a knowing of that place on the other side of the veil. This was huge for me as I had grown up feeling like something was wrong with me. She showed me how it was right, and to use it as the gift it is. The most astonishing thing for me is our shared love of Mary. Virginia had received what she called an over layering of Mary. She offered this gift to anyone who asked. I am so grateful I did. This connection that will never fade from the Holy Mother through Virginia has shifted me in ways that I am still exploring. I am blessed for having her in my life. In addition I am honored in a way that is truly amazing. She visits me, even as I write this she is here with her gentle smile. For we know the secret of the other side. She is living it and is holding all of us in love. And for me now she is more alive. She lives in Presence… in God. Love you Virginia.💖

    • SO beautiful, dear Juliette. Your sharing touches my heart. And, as Virginia would say, your sharing reflects the depth, richness, and beauty within you. Putting into words that she now lives in Presence…in God feels so right. Thank you.


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In lieu of flowers, please send a donation to the SPCA, The Potter League, or any other charity helping to relieve the suffering of animals, which was a life-long passion of Virginia’s.